Spark's Shadow : A Level Design Project

Spark's Shadow is a solo Level Design project, a small level contained within a larger world. The player character, Spark, is a dragon with movement and combat mechanics. The primary goal of this level design was to meet set parameters such as dimensional constraints while incorporating Spark's core mechanics and project enemies. Level and world immersion was created through a narrative story and providing cinematic cut scenes throughout.

While a puzzle was a requirement of this level, I was also tasked with the design and logic implementation (visual scripting).

Designing Spark's shadow from pitch, to LDD to block out and finally environment art and polish was an enjoyable process. The result was a polished level which was achieved by conducting various playtests adjacent to iterating throughout the different phases.

My process through the production phases.

Gameplay Video : Edited with Adobe Premiere

LDD Beats 1 through 4 with images of final level.

LDD Beats 1 through 4 with images of final level.

LDD Beats 5 through 12 with images of final level.

LDD Beats 5 through 12 with images of final level.

LDD: By creating an isometric draft sketch I was able to experiment with level verticality and flow, paired with a 2D plan, I was able to create the critical path before moving on to the block out.

LDD: By creating an isometric draft sketch I was able to experiment with level verticality and flow, paired with a 2D plan, I was able to create the critical path before moving on to the block out.

LDD : Focusing on challenges and objectives allowed me to iterate and refine the beat chart.

LDD : Focusing on challenges and objectives allowed me to iterate and refine the beat chart.