Rabbit Master

Rabbit Master was a group Rapid Prototype Development game created as part of the Advanced Game Development program.
Colour Palette: I had to create a colour pallet that represented our tone: Horror/Suspense, Puzzle, Thriller. Purples (+ black) suited our tone and portrayed the horror aspect well. Lighter tone would be used for highlights and darker tones would be used for shadows. The shapes and massing of most assets would use the middle tones.

My Roles:
• Player Character – Concept, Art, and Animations
• Interactive Assets – Concept and Art
• UI - Concept and Art
• Game Design

Project Requirements: Make a game prototype within 1 week
• Visual Constraint – 160px by 144px
• Monochrome 2-bit (i.e., one colour / 4 shades)
• Only sprites – no polygons
• Technical Constraint - Project Size no larger than 32mb
• Input Constraint – B, A, Start, Select, D-Pad

Logo Concept, art and animation

Logo Concept, art and animation

Concept, art and animation

Concept, art and animation

Concept, art

Concept, art

Implemented in Unity

Implemented in Unity

Implemented in Unity

Implemented in Unity